The LEADER-AI Project: LEAarning analytics and AI for personaliseD lEaRning – April 2023
During the first months of the project, the LEADER AI partners have been conducting national and EU-based desk and field research. First, all partners researched the status quo regarding the use of AI-based tools and learning analytics for personalisation of learning, in Higher Education. Then, national field research was conducted to investigate firsthand the target groups’ (academics, instructors, researchers, learning designers and developers) experiences with learning analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for personalisation. The field research was mixed methods, involving the distribution of questionnaires and conduct of focus groups at national levels. The results will be presented in a transnational report, to share details about the state-of-the-art and challenges regarding personalised learning with learning analytics and AI.
The Transnational report will be the first LEADER AI product published during the next months. It will explore the potential benefits and risks of using smart data and digital technology in education, such as enhancing student engagement, improving learning outcomes, supporting decision-making and policy design, ensuring that ethical, legal, and social issues are addressed. The report will draw on examples of promising practices from different countries and institutions. Recommendations for future research and development in this emerging field, as well as for fostering collaboration and innovation among stakeholders will be presented. The results will be the foundation for the development of all project deliverables to follow (namely the practical Toolkit, scenario-based training and eLearning platform) while prompting further research for all interested parties.