The LEADER-AI Project: LEAarning analytics and AI for personaliseD lEaRning – April 2024
Implementation of the LeaderAI training course for HE teachers
After nine different real-case scenarios have been developed for diverse fields/disciplines in HEIs, regarding hands-on opportunities for HE teaching staff to learn how to personalise their instruction through open source/freeware AI-based and data visualisation tools that do not require highly specialised computer skills such as programming, and after the Train-the-Trainer activity was implemented in March with two different trainers from each partner university, in April 2024 the LeaderAI consortium started implementing a 16-hour training course addressed to HE teachers. The trainers in this course were the persons who previously completed the Train-the-Trainer activity. They taught peer teachers from their universities on how to efficiently use the AI-based tools to personalise the learning of their students, by using the nine LeaderAI real-case scenarios. This training course envisaged the following specific objectives:
- develop HE teaching staffs’ pedagogic and digital skills on how to use selected AI-based and data visualisation tools for personalised teaching and support
- prepare educators to adopt and adapt the project resources in their course practices
- raise awareness on the ethical implications of using AI-based and analytics tools for teaching and learning
The course was implemented in a blended learning approach, with duration of 3-4 days, according to participants availability. Over 120 HE teachers have completed the course in the partner countries: Cyprus, Greece, Estonia, Romania and Portugal. The combination of face-to-face and online activities, and the instructor-led delivery method complemented with self-learning activities, proved to be successful, as the feedback from participants was highly positive. Pre/post-tests have been administered to participants, based on which how their perception and confidence on using AI-based tools to personalise learning has changed, could be measured and analysed. Currently, the universities members of the LeaderAI consortium are preparing training reports, which will provide more in-depth image on the training itself and on its acquired results.