The LEADER-AI Project: LEAarning analytics and AI for personaliseD lEaRning – August 2023
LEADER-AI Toolkit is coming soon!
The project’s consortium has compiled the information derived from the research in all partner countries and the LEADER-AI Toolkit is expected to be published in our website soon. The results will cover the potential benefits and risks of using smart data and digital technology in education, but also draw on examples of promising practices from different countries and institutions. Recommendations for future research and development in this emerging field, as well as for fostering collaboration and innovation among stakeholders will be presented.
Meanwhile, the project’s partners began working on Work Package 3, namely “Scenario-based training and piloting”. In this work package, a training program will be developed with the aim to provide Higher Education teaching staff with hands-on opportunities on how to personalize their instruction through open source/freeware AI-based and data visualization tools that do not require highly specialized programming skills.
The training will include real case scenarios from various disciplines, implementation guidelines such us handouts, instructor notes and lesson plans. The LEADER AI Toolkit will be an integral part of it. Two representatives from each partner country will be trained on how to deliver the training package. Then, the trainers will deliver it to at least 20 participants, members of the target group in their countries. Successful use of the training will allow Higher Education providers and their staff to acquire skills and competences, multiplying the impact of the project and ensuring the Toolkit’s continued impact in future