The LEADER-AI Project: LEAarning analytics and AI for personaliseD lEaRning – October 2023
Our LEADER AI Toolkit is currently being piloted in all partner countries with members of the target group, including academics, instructors, researchers, learning designers and support staff. The participants are asked to evaluate the Toolkit’s structural aspects (e.g., topics organisation, flow, ease of navigation), language used and content, indicating their level of agreement in a set of statements. Adequate time will be given for thorough reviewing and revisions. The results from the Toolkit piloting will inform future deliverables, by further unveiling the target groups’ expectations.
In the meantime, the partnership is developing 8 real case scenarios to train the Higher Education teachers and staff in personalising their instruction with Learning Analytics (LA) and AI (Artificial Intelligence). The scenarios are practical and oriented toward real-life situations that HE staff can face daily. They cover a wide range of skills on how to design and offer personalised teaching and learning, for instance, how to offer individualised feedback with generative AI tools and how to design targeted interventions by interpreting the results of Learning Analytics Dashboards. The next phase will focus on developing the training material with digital tools and organising the train-the-trainer workshop to prepare a group of trainers to deliver the training.
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