The LEADER-AI Project: LEAarning analytics and AI for personaliseD lEaRning – November 2023
The results from the LEADER AI Toolkit piloting are here, and they are very promising. On average, the participants were satisfied with the structure, organisation, relevance, language, content and topics of the Toolkit, as their responses were between 4 (agree) and 5 (strongly agree) in the given statements. The participants stated that the Toolkit is informative, with a simple flow and easy-to-follow structure. It is comprehensive and meaningful, user-friendly and of good quality. The Toolkit can act as a reference guide for various teaching and learning activities. Overall, the language and terminology used are easy to understand. Content-wise, the participants stated that the Toolkit is effective, covering both theory and practice, regardless of the knowledge level of the target group (easy to understand even for those not related to the specific technologies). The methodology is appropriate, clear and handy for educators who need to understand the basics. Thus, it covers higher education requirements. Most found the collection of tools particularly useful, but overall, the Toolkit covers up-to-date topics with examples and specific details.
The partnership will use the findings and amend the Toolkit by adding examples in the collection of tools and the learning design sequence. The consortium already plans to turn the Toolkit into an interactive guide hosted on the platform, where it can also be broken down into separate subsections, allowing this PDF to be used as a printable document. Since AI is constantly changing, the consortium aims to provide the basics to be adapted later by interested individuals. The future deliverables could focus on additional features released in existing or new tools as the project progresses and practical exercises such as prompt engineering in ChatGPT. The piloting results and the final Toolkit version will soon be uploaded to the project’s website.