Press Release #20
The LEADER-AI Project at its end! – November 2024
We are proud to announce that our ambitious project – the LEAarning analytics and AI for personaliseD lEaRning [LeaderAI], it is approaching its successful end! It was a challenging but exciting
learning and creating adventure, in which our consortium succeeded to design, test and implement all foreseen outcomes! In this journey, ‘quality’ was our reference and we had benefitied of a strong suport from academia and have worked with large number of educational designers, professors, researchers, students and faculty staffs from Higher Education institutions accross Europe.
The last activities have been to pilot the LeaderAI Interactive eLearning platform that we developed: the alpha and beta testing phases of the platform went well, and due to the valuable feedback that we collected from our testers, we refined and improved the platform thus to fit perfectly o the required characteristics and the envisaged purpose. The dissemination workshops in partner countries have started and preparation for the Final Conference are in course. Through these multiplier events the outputs of our LeaderAI project are presented and shared with the target groups – Higher Education organisations and staffs. Hands-on sessions implemented during the dissemination workshops allow users to learn and practice the use of the results, especially the educational resources provided via the eLearning platform.
The main LeaderAI results are:
• LeaderAI Toolkit: an attractive support package for HE staffs to advance their professional practices in designing personalised courses (technology-enhanced face-to-face and fully online), by selecting and integrating data-driven and AI-based tools.
• Scenario-based training and piloting: a training program providing hands-on opportunities for HE teaching staff on how to personalise their instruction through open source/freeware AI-
based and data visualisation tools
• Interactive eLearning platform ( ): a platform providing instant access to a full suite of resources including the interactive Toolkit, a self-paced MOOC and demonstrations to support HE faculty to personalise their courses using AI-based and analytics tools.
We collegially invite you to access them and use them in your teaching-learning activities! We hope you will find them useful!